Living in an apartment community can offer some great experiences and be a fun way to meet new friends and families. If you are considering an apartment or considering a dog, you may be wondering if...
Category: FAQs
How Much and How Often Should a Schnauzer Eat? (With Tables)
Schnauzers like to eat. They also like to beg for food, if not trained consistently and properly. When those large eyes stare you down and that iconic beard is begging to nuzzle in some food, it’s...
The decision to include a Schnauzer in your life often revolves around this question: “Are Schnauzers Good Family Pets?” There is a lot to take into consideration, especially if you have...
Sometimes Schnauzers eat weird things. During the spring and summers months, you might notice your furry friend sniffing and even eating seemingly odd things like dirt, grass, and weeds. While...
Why Is My Schnauzer Changing Colors? (5 Reasons & What to Do)
When we picked up Livi from the breeder, she was a lively, beautiful little thing in a wiry black bundle of hair. We were getting used to the demands of taking good care of her coat and beard, and at...
When Livi, our Miniature Schnauzer, was a puppy, she barked…a lot. Because I had avoided dogs nearly my entire life, I wasn’t used to having a little fur friend who barked at people, butterflies,...