In the managed chaos of life with three kids, we added our Miniature Schnauzer, Livi. Was she hyper? Well, it’s hard to answer that objectively because the comparison would be measured against...
Category: Training & Sports
With so many dog breed mixes available, the question of whether or not any particular dog is true to its purebred line is a common question. All Schnauzer breeds – Miniature, Standard, and Giant...
Our neighbors have a Giant Schnauzer and although he is still technically a puppy, I am struck by how...well...giant he is. Like nearly all Giant Schnauzers, he is solid black and carries off the...
How Much and How Often Should a Schnauzer Eat? (With Tables)
Schnauzers like to eat. They also like to beg for food, if not trained consistently and properly. When those large eyes stare you down and that iconic beard is begging to nuzzle in some food, it’s...
The decision to include a Schnauzer in your life often revolves around this question: “Are Schnauzers Good Family Pets?” There is a lot to take into consideration, especially if you have...
Schnauzers, like all dogs, can surprise us with what they are willing to eat. Our Livi had a taste for garbage for awhile, and to be honest, since it sometimes consisted of a few savory leftovers, I...