Should I Massage My Schnauzer? (Yes! Plus Beginner Tips)

The benefits of massage have become quite well-documented. The cumulative effects have moved beyond a blissful day at the spa and have made their way into acknowledged therapeutic practices. In many ways, our canine friends are not so different from us physiologically, and I wondered how massage might benefit our Schnauzer.

Should I massage my Schnauzer? Yes, massage can be as beneficial to your Schnauzer as it is to you. Canine massage can help with anxiety, arthritis, and even recovery from surgery. However, do not massage a Schnauzer who has a fever, serious organ issues or infectious diseases, broken bones, or open wounds.

Many veterinarians now support massage as a preventive measure for pups and a rehabilitative precaution for aging dogs as it boosts immunity, circulation, and flexibility. Its popularity has grown in the last few years, with pet owners spending as much as $4.4 million a year on dog services, including dog massage.

When performed along with professional veterinarian care, it can become an integral part of your Schnauzer’s overall health plan. Additionally, some veterinarians now believe that animal massage is a form of medicine that needs licensing. We’ll cover a few of those specifics later in this article.

For now, let’s take a look at the overall benefits of canine massage and how you can do it at home.

Benefits of Canine Massage

Canine massage therapy can be a critical part of a dog’s health. It not only promotes a dog’s physical but also emotional well-being. This form of treatment can also be helpful for dogs suffering from anxiety, hyperactivity, and stress.

Canine massage has a range of benefits. They include:

Emotional and Bonding Benefits

A massage can be a bonding experience for you and your canine friend. The simple act of physical touch is an opportunity to connect with your Schnauzer. In addition to active exercise and play, massage is a mutually calming and healing endeavor.

Whether you massage him as an active approach to healing or simply as a nice gesture, the experience will create a strong bond of mutual love and trust.

In fact, the act of massaging your Schnauzer promotes a release of endorphins in your own body and can be nearly as relaxing and therapeutic for you as it is for him. That’s a win-win.

Overall Physical Benefits

This is often the most apparent benefit of canine massage. Physical touch relieves stress and anxiety in nervous dogs. Dogs can get worked up easily. It could be something as simple a glimpse of a cat or small rodent, a thunderstorm, or separation from you. Massage releases endorphins that can increase euphoric feelings and reduce pain. In addition, your human touch allows him to become accustomed to human interaction, which helps to calm and relax the body.

It allows you to pay attention to his bones, skin, hair, and muscles. The sessions should last long enough (10-15 minutes) to help you understand what your Schnauzer’s body is like when healthy. This way, you can quickly determine when he is ill.

For example, some parts of his body may be swollen, or he may have a lump. Massages help you take note of such health conditions early on so you can provide him with proper care.

Healing and Musculature Benefits

A massage stimulates blood circulation to body muscles and tissues, which enhances healing. Increased circulation means more oxygen flows into the tissues. As a result, if your Schnauzer has wounds, the oxygenated blood will enhance healing.

Massage also improves motion. It can relieve muscle spasms and reduce the accumulation of lactic acid, which causes pain and discomfort.

Other systems that benefit from canine massage include:

  • Lymphatic system: It is the cleansing system of the body. Toxins are expelled using the lymph glands.
  • Synovial fluid: It enhances the range of motion.
  • Cerebral spinal fluid: It bathes the spine and the brain in nutrients and helps eliminate waste.

Specific Therapeutic Uses for Massage

While massage therapy can simply feel good, there are specific conditions that you can help your Schnauzer manage through massage. I would recommend visiting with your Veterinarian about any specific health concerns you have, and then work together to incorporate a helpful massage regime.

Here is a list of the potential specific therapeutic benefits of canine massage:

Anxiety and Stress Relief

Anxious Schnauzers tend to step away or flinch when somebody reaches out to them. If you have adopted a Schnauzer or he is experiencing anxiety for any reason, a massage can help him relax and trust again.

Massage goals for anxious dogs are different. The primary goal is to help the dog relax, not to release muscle tension. As such, you should use slow, gentle strokes while applying enough pressure to move the dog’s skin and not the muscles.

Arthritis Pain Relief

If your Schnauzer has arthritis, a massage can help relieve pain. The massage should be gentle and in slow, calming strokes to avoid exerting pressure on painful joints. You can also bend and stretch his legs to ease the pain, but apply little pressure on the aching joints. If your Schnauzer becomes agitated or flinches, discontinue the procedure.

Post-Surgery Recovery

More and more veterinarians are advocating for the application of massages following surgical procedures to enhance comfort and minimize recovery time. Massage relieves pain and reduces inflammation by neuromodulating the autonomic and sensory limbs of the nervous system. The effect is reduced blood pressure, restored healthy digestion, and normal respiration.

Recovery from Injury

Massage aids in faster recovery from an injury and may even lower the need for painkillers. Your veterinarian may recommend using gentle strokes on non-injured areas for overall pain relief and healing. If you are unsure about the severity of an injury, see your veterinarian as soon as possible and set up a rehabilitation plan that may include massage.

Delayed Aging

A massage can be quite invigorating for senior Schnauzers. Most dog owners emphasize aerobic activities to keep their canine friends active while improving blood flow. However, when combined with exercise, massage can extend your aging Schnauzer’s activity level and the enjoyment he gains from it.

Also, massage therapy can help a senior Schnauzer’s transition to an advanced stage of life in a more relaxed manner. Like humans, they can develop confusion and depression during the aging process along with any other physical deterioration they may be experiencing. The massage provides a comforting and supportive non-verbal communication that can have a calming effect.

At-Home Massage Therapy

If the thought of massaging your Schnauzer intimidates you, realize that every time you pet or cuddle with him, you are already incorporating a form of massage.

Effective Massage Techniques

Here are some basic options for you to start with:

Petrissage This technique involves lifting and kneading the skin to enhance blood circulation and tissue elasticity. It is effective when administered on the neck.
Effleurage This technique involves making long, continuous gliding strokes on the body to help him relax. Most people do this without realizing it is a type of massage.
Friction This technique helps loosen up tight muscles, tendons, and joints. Place your fingertips, thumb or hand in a circular motion on different parts of the body.
Compression This technique involves lying hands and fingers on different parts of the  body with a slight push downwards to exert pressure. The idea is to boost the flow of fluids in and out of the tissue while lengthening muscle fibers.

Effective Massage Steps

Here are some basic steps to help you get started:

  1. Select a mutually comfortable location for you and your Schnauzer. Use the same location each time, if possible, since this will help your Schnauzer associate it with relaxation and comfort.
  2. Set enough time aside for a 10-15 minute massage.
  3. Consider using a diffuser with a small amount of Lavender essential oil. This particular oil is safe for Schnauzers to inhale. Lightly used aromatherapy can be as relaxing for dogs as it is for humans.
  4. Begin the massage with flat palms stroking your Schnauzer’s entire body.
  5. Consider beginning an area-focused massage on his ears. When massaged, the ears release enough endorphins to deeply relax him.
  6. Massage any other area listed in the table below.
  7. For larger muscles and areas, rubbing and gentle kneading is effective.
  8. For front and hind legs, wrap your hands around and apply pressure and strokes.
  9. End the massage with light all-over petting.

Areas to Massage Your Schnauzer

Massaging specific areas of your Schnauzer is beneficial for particular systems, organs, and parts of the body. The table below will give you an idea as to how you might best have a therapeutic effect on him.

Ears Stimulates the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, releasing soothing endorphins. Helps combat stress and relaxes the body by essentially tranquilizing him.
Head Relaxes the nervous system, stomach, bladder, and gallbladder. Gently stroke around his temples and just above the eyes. Keep in mind that the entire nervous system is directly correlated with the cranial region.
Back Combats restlessness, hyperactivity, and enhances comfort. Massage along each side of the spine can also help with stomach issues and vomiting.
Chest Promotes overall heart health, circulation, and can even promote healthy blood pressure.
Stomach Promotes digestion, regularity, and can prevent bloating. Gentle belly massage can keep the entire digestive track functioning well.
Front Legs Stimulates and prepares muscles for activity and helps recovery after activity. Helps maintain joint health, and acupressure points may even help manage infections and allergies.
Hind Legs Stimulates and prepares muscles for activity and helps recovery after activity. Can also increase flexibility and range of motion. The entire pelvic area at the top of the hind legs can also stimulate relaxation responses that support deep sleep and tissue repair.
Paws Many of the body’s systems begin and end in the feet, so massaging the paws (especially the back paws) can be therapeutic for the entire body. In addition, paws are the most sensitive area and massaging them also helps build trust between you and your Schnauzer.
Entire Body Relieves muscle tension and promotes blood circulation throughout every system.

When You Should NOT Massage Your Schnauzer

Even with all of the benefits of canine massage, there are many situations under which you should not massage your Schnauzer at all.

Please completely avoid massaging him when:

  • He has a fever, which is a temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • He has an open wound
  • He is suffering from shock
  • He is bleeding internally or has acute trauma
  • He has severe nerve irritation on a particular part of the body
  • He has acute arthritis. A massage only worsens the inflammation
  • He has inflammatory ailments like phlebitis. Cold therapy is suitable
  • He has fungal skin problems such as pneumonia, ringworm, or bacterial skin disease
  • He has an infectious disease

Professional Canine Massage Therapy

You might consider taking your Schnauzer to a professional canine massage therapist under the right conditions, and within the laws in your state.

State laws vary for canine massage therapy and you will want to check The International Association for Animal Massage and Bodywork for details. Some states require massage to be performed only by a licensed veterinarian, others allow a canine therapist to work on your Schnauzer with a veterinarian referral, and still other states don’t require any referral at all.

National Board of Certification For Animal Acupressure and Massage is a certification site for both animal massage and acupressure, and can also serve as a referral site for certified practitioners in your area.

Ultimately, and just to be safe, you will want to work with your veterinarian if you want to incorporate professional massage as an additional therapy for any serious health issues.

The overall and specific benefits of canine massage are becoming well-documented and widely accepted. Your Schnauzer’s health can be strengthened with massage, and you both reap the benefits of endorphin release and bonding. With the right information and practice, adding a regular massage routine to your Schnauzer’s home care can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity.

And finally, from one pet parent to another, discover my all-time favorite resources designed to cover your every Schnauzer need. I’ve done the legwork for you so you can spend more time with the people and fur friends in your life.

A portion of all profit earned on this site is donated to Pet Partners
whose mission is to improve human health and
well-being through the human-animal bond.
They train and register pets to become therapy animals,
and have local chapters in many states.


I'm Deena, a writer, communications professional, and unabashed Schnauzer fan. Our Miniature Schnauzer, Livi, helped me overcome a lifetime of doggie fear after being attacked by a large dog when I was 8 years old. After over a decade of being a pet parent, I celebrate the companionship power of man's best friend by offering straightforward, well-researched, first-hand information on all Schnauzer breeds. Happy Schnauzering!

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