Can Schnauzers Eat Celery?

Can Schnauzers Eat Celery

Celery may be a staple vegetable for you in salads, side dishes, and green smoothies. It might seem like a healthy and natural snack to share with your pup. Let’s answer the question: Can Schnauzers eat celery?

Yes, Schnauzers can eat celery. Raw and cut into small pieces, or even cooked, celery can be a snack that offers them a lot of nutrition. In moderation, celery is safe and healthy for Schnauzers

Is Celery Safe for Schnauzers?

Celery is one of the vegetables that are safe for Schnauzers to eat. It is also often used as a weight-loss treat. A lot of people eat celery because it is low in fat and cholesterol, and it offers the same benefits to your Schnauzer.

Celery is also a good source of fiber; vitamins A, C, and K; folate; potassium; manganese; and folate. The crunchy vegetable may also help your Schnauzer’s breath smell better, which might be enough to get some Schnauzers owners to offer it.

The Health Benefits of Celery for Schnauzers

In small amounts, celery can be good for your Schnauzers’ health, and it can also be a tasty treat. It’s important to know what the benefits are and when giving your Schnauzers this green vegetable is “too much.”

Celery has a lot of important nutrients, including vitamin A, which is one of the most well-known. Vitamin A helps your Schnauzers have healthy skin and a healthy coat.

Celery is made up of fiber, which helps your Schnauzer’s digestive system work the way that it should. However, make sure your Schnauzers don’t eat too much fiber. You can tell if your Schnauzers are getting too much fiber if they start to pass a lot of gas.

Celery may also help Schnauzers with arthritis. How? Celery is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help your Schnauzer’s joints stay less swollen and painful. This makes it a lot easier for your Schnauzer to move around, especially as she ages.

Celery is a powerhouse green vegetable, and has vitamins C and K. As a vegetable, it can be one of the best things for your Schnauzer if you offer it in moderation.

Now that you know that Schnauzers can eat celery, here are even more reasons why you should add this green vegetable to your Schnauzer’s food:

  • Celery reduces inflammation
  • Celery helps with digestion
  • Celery can keep a hungry Schnauzer full and help with appetite
  • Celery can keep your Schnauzer hydrated

Schnauzers can eat celery. Raw and cut into small pieces, or even cooked, celery can be a snack that offers them a lot of nutrition. In moderation, celery is safe and healthy for Schnauzers.


The Nutritional Content of Celery

Vitamin A

A fat-soluble vitamin that helps your Schnauzers’ immune systems, bone growth, reproductive system, and good vision.


A mineral that is important for good kidney function. It also helps keep your Schnauzer’s heart healthy, muscles strong, and the digestive system in good shape.

Vitamin K

This vitamin helps the blood to coagulate.

Calcium, Zinc, and Iron

Celery has a small amount of calcium, zinc, and iron in it, but not very much. Even so, they help with bone growth and keep the immune system working well.

Folate (Vitamin B9 or folic acid)

In order for DNA and red blood cells to be created and stay healthy, they need foliate (Vitamin B9 or folic acid).


This is a mineral that helps your body break down proteins and fats. It also helps make energy, keeps ligaments and bones healthy, and keeps them strong.


When your Schnauzer is stressed, sick, old, or exposed to toxins, free radicals can destroy compounds and cells in his body. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights the effects of free radicals. Schnauzers also benefit from vitamin C, which can help them fight off some types of cancer and help them live longer lives.


Fiber is important to keep the digestive system running smoothly.

Fiber can help your Schnauzer feel full for a longer period of time after a meal. This can help to reach and maintain a healthy weight for overweight Schnauzers.

Studies have also shown that Schnauzers who eat a lot of fiber may not get heart disease and may not develop some types of cancer.

The Dangers of Celery for Schnauzers


A celery stalk has 35 mg of sodium in it. For a vegetable, this is a lot. If you feed your Schnauzer too much, this could put a lot of stress on his kidneys.

Stringy Fiber Content

We can get fiber from the strings of celery stalks, but our Schnauzers might not be able to eat them, and their digestive tracts might be a mess. If you don’t cut them into small pieces, puppies and small Schnauzers could choke on them.

Getting celery strings stuck between your Schnauzer’s teeth can also be painful. After eating celery, you should check your Schnauzer’s teeth and remove the strings from them.

More Frequent Urination

Celery may make your Schnauzers urinate more often because it has low levels of a diuretic (phthalides) that can make your Schnauzers go more often. This is another reason to be careful when giving your Schnauzers celery. Stay alert to signs of dehydration.

A lot of celery can also make your Schnauzers sick or make them go to the bathroom. This is even more true for puppies.


This is what the USDA found when they did a study a few years ago: 64 different pesticides were found on the leaves and stalks of celery. For this reason, you should buy organic food for your Schnauzers, or wash the celery thoroughly before giving it to your pup.

How to Serve Celery to Schnauzers

Cut, Keep it Raw, or Try Cooking

It doesn’t matter how you do it. If you’re going to give your Schnauzer celery, make sure it’s cut into small, bite-sized pieces. Serving large pieces of celery could cause them to choke (especially for smaller Schnauzers).

Cooked celery may be easier for older Schnauzers to eat than raw celery because it is easier for them to chew and digest.

When you serve your Schnauzers in different ways, you can figure out what they like best.

Choose Organic Celery

If you can, buy organic food. You can do this to keep pesticides from contaminating the vegetables you feed your Schnauzer.

Wash Your Celery

In addition to choosing organic celery, be sure to wash the vegetable well before serving it. Also, make sure the celery is crisp and fresh. Limp celery has lost some nutrients and won’t be as healthy.

Skip the spices!

Schnauzers don’t need any extra seasoning on the vegetables they eat. Your Schnauzer might not tolerate certain spices, so it’s best to keep the food simple. In fact, additions like garlic can be harmful and even lead to death.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, celery is a great idea for a treat once in a while, and are one of the best low-calorie vegetables for that pet parents can share with their Schnauzers. It has hydrating properties, as well as a lot of vitamins and minerals. Keep in mind that you should never give your Schnauzers too much celery at once. Instead, give it to them as a treat or topper with their regular food.

Disclaimer: What and how to feed dogs can be a controversial topic. Some options include raw feeding, cooking nutritious “human” foods, freeze-dried foods, food delivery services, and choosing from a wide variety of dry kibble. This information is accurate according to research. Please consult your traditional or holistic veterinarian with any concerns or for additional advice.

And finally, from one pet parent to another, discover my all-time favorite resources designed to cover your every Schnauzer need. I’ve done the legwork for you so you can spend more time with the people and fur friends in your life.

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I'm Deena, a writer, communications professional, and unabashed Schnauzer fan. Our Miniature Schnauzer, Livi, helped me overcome a lifetime of doggie fear after being attacked by a large dog when I was 8 years old. After over a decade of being a pet parent, I celebrate the companionship power of man's best friend by offering straightforward, well-researched, first-hand information on all Schnauzer breeds. Happy Schnauzering!

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