Can Schnauzers Eat Yogurt?

Can Schnauzers Eat Yogurt

Smooth, flavored, or even plain yogurt is a staple in our home, and our kids often want to share their comforting treat with our Mini, Livi. Have you ever wondered if you could give your Schnauzer some yogurt? Let’s answer the question, can Schnauzers eat yogurt?

Depending on the ingredients, the answer is yes. Plain yogurt is high in protein, calcium, and probiotics, which all support your Schnauzer’s immune system and can help them recover from an upset stomach.

Are Yogurt Safe for Schnauzers?

Yes, schnauzers can consume yogurt. It’s high in calcium and protein, and it’s delicious!

Schnauzers should not eat any yogurt that has xylitol in it, which is a common sugar substitute in human foods. Even a tiny quantity of xylitol-sweetened yogurt is bad for schnauzers because it can build up in their liver tissue. This can cause liver failure. It’s also a good idea to avoid yogurt that is flavored with fruits or other “mix-ins,” because these often have added sugar in the form of syrups and may also use artificial ingredients.

The Health Benefits of Yogurt for Schnauzers

The gut contains 70% of a Schnauzer’s immune system. High-processed meals, human foods not intended for them to eat, and drugs that impair their ability to work all have a negative impact on the immune system. These expose your Schnauzers to disease, stress from the environment, cell oxidation, and the ravages of aging.

The health benefits of plain yogurt can address these issues.


Beneficial bacteria and yeast that thrive in the body are known as probiotics. They provide health advantages and help to strengthen a weak immune system when taken as supplements or in meals like yogurt. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium are the bacteria in question.

Probiotics nourish the beneficial microorganisms in your Schnauzer’s digestive tract, aiding him in the following areas:

  • Weight loss
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved immune system
  • Better skin and coat
  • Reduced diseases and malignancies
  • Maintains healthy bones and teeth, as well as a healthy heart and nervous system.

Dietary Protein

Almost all of your Schnauzer’s bodily tissues require this nutrient for growth and maintenance. It provides essential amino acids for the development of hair, skin, tendons, cartilage, and muscles. Protein also aids weight loss by supporting your Schnauzer’s metabolism.


If your Schnauzers has ear infections, hot spots, or are constantly itchy, yogurt may make them feel better. Probiotics combat the yeast – or candida – that causes these problems, lowering symptoms and infection frequency.

Prevention of Tooth Decay

Casein peptides found in whey in yogurt help to demineralize plaque and tartar on your Schnauzer teeth. The bacteria that cause decay is likewise neutralized by these peptides.

Plain yogurt is high in protein, calcium, and probiotics, which all support your Schnauzer’s immune system and can help them recover from an upset stomach.


The Nutritional Content of Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics, calcium, and more nutrients that are helpful for your Schnauzer. In addition to the nutrients of natural, plain yogurt, you might find additional ingredients that make the choice to share this treat with your Schnauzer more difficult.

Here are some nutritional content facts to keep in mind:

Gut health

If your Schnauzer has loose feces, itchy skin, or a dull coat, feeding him yogurt won’t help. You should give your Schnauzers probiotic supplements formulated specifically for Schnauzers (not human probiotic supplements).

Live Cultures

The health advantages of yogurt are provided by the living cultures contained in some (but not all) yogurts. The enzymes and bacteria that give yogurt its probiotic qualities are destroyed when it is pasteurized. Look for yogurt with live cultures listed as an ingredient. Live, active culture yogurt has less lactose than conventional pasteurized yogurt, making it easier to digest for your Schnauzers.


Sugar is added to a lot of yogurts to make them taste better. Because a Schnauzers digestive system can’t handle these sugars, feeding them to him puts him at risk for obesity, diabetes, and dental disease.

Artificial Sweeteners

Any sugar-free yogurt is a no-no. Xylitol, which is particularly harmful to Schnauzers, is commonly found in these yogurts. Xylitol has been linked to dangerously low blood sugar levels, which can result in liver failure and death. Because xylitol sweetens a food product, we find it in high concentrations in diet-friendly foods. When buying yogurt for your Schnauzers, ALWAYS check the ingredient label.

Added Fruits

The majority of fruits that are added to yogurt have a lot of sugar or syrup in them. The healthiest approach to giving your Schnauzers yogurt and fruit is to buy plain yogurt and mix in your own fresh fruits.

High fat

Yogurts that are low in fat or fat-free are fine for your Schnauzers. Yogurts with a high-fat content inflame the pancreas, which can lead to pancreatitis that can be fatal.

The Dangers of Yogurt for Schnauzers

Schnauzers should be fed plain, unflavored, low-or non-fat yogurt by their owners, says Delaney. He says that both Greek and regular yogurt are safe for healthy Schnauzers, but that Schnauzer owners should be careful when choosing a yogurt brand because some contain substances that are bad for Schnauzers.

The following types of yogurt should not be given to your Schnauzers:

  • Artificial sweeteners, especially Xylitol, in yogurt
  • Yogurt is laced with flavorings, some of which are toxic to Schnauzers.
  • Yogurt with a lot of added sugar on the bottom (fruit on the bottom).
  • Chocolate or chocolate-flavored yogurt (or anything else)
  • Yogurt with a high-fat content and a lot of calories

Some Schnauzers have a harder time digesting dairy than others, so check to see whether your Schnauzer has a lactose intolerance before giving them yogurt.

The following are some of the most common indications of schnauzers’ sensitivity to dairy:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal gas/flatulence
  • Appetitelessness
  • Loss of weight
  • Weight gain is poor.
  • Pain and discomfort in the abdomen
  • Itching and scratching excessively
  • Injuries to the body

If you feel your Schnauzers has lactose intolerance, you should hold off on giving him any type of yogurt in any amount until you visit with your veterinarian.

How to Serve Yogurt to Schnauzers

If your Schnauzers are not lactose intolerant, yogurt can be a daily moderate addition to their diet. Depending on their size, here’s how much you can give your Schnauzers:

1 teaspoon per day for Miniature Schnauzers

2 tablespoons per day for Standard Schnauzers

3 tablespoons per day for Giant Schnauzers

Keep in mind that while this amount of yogurt will satisfy your Schnauzers’ appetites, it will not provide them with the health advantages of probiotics. If your Schnauzer’s immune or digestive system needs a nutritional boost, veterinarians recommend a probiotic supplement made specifically for Schnauzers.

Final Thoughts

Yogurt is a great source of probiotics for Schnauzers, but it’s important to choose a yogurt that is safe and healthy for them. Avoid yogurts with artificial sweeteners, high levels of sugar or added fruits, and full-fat varieties. Stick to unflavored, low-fat yogurt if you want to give your Schnauzers this tasty snack. A moderate amount of yogurt is safe for most Schnauzers to enjoy as part of a balanced diet. However, if your Schnauzers is lactose intolerant, steer clear of yogurt altogether. And as always, check with your veterinarian before adding anything new to your Schnauzers diet.

Disclaimer: What and how to feed dogs can be a controversial topic. Some options include raw feeding, cooking nutritious “human” foods, freeze-dried foods, food delivery services, and choosing from a wide variety of dry kibble. This information is accurate according to research. Please consult your traditional or holistic veterinarian with any concerns or for additional advice.

And finally, from one pet parent to another, discover my all-time favorite resources designed to cover your every Schnauzer need. I’ve done the legwork for you so you can spend more time with the people and fur friends in your life.

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I'm Deena, a writer, communications professional, and unabashed Schnauzer fan. Our Miniature Schnauzer, Livi, helped me overcome a lifetime of doggie fear after being attacked by a large dog when I was 8 years old. After over a decade of being a pet parent, I celebrate the companionship power of man's best friend by offering straightforward, well-researched, first-hand information on all Schnauzer breeds. Happy Schnauzering!

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